


The Star Spot is always looking for enthusiastic, dedicated people to join our team. If you’d like to get involved with the show please send us an email.

We are also open to questions, feedback and suggestions. If you have interesting ideas for news or topics you’d like to hear discussed, or an ideas for  potential interview guests please send them to us.


7 comments on “Contact

  1. Hello,

    My name is Yonna, and I’m a student in the twelfth grade. I am writing because I would like to volunteer for this position during the school year. I’m a space enthusiast and plan to study aerospace engineering after high school. Therefore, I am interested and would be happy to volunteer to work twice a week for 1 1/2 to 2 hours, and, if possible, even 2 1/2 hours a session.

    Thank you,
    Yonna Worku

  2. I truly enjoy the format and substance of your podcasts. In my opinion, Star Spot is the best podcast on scientific astronomical issues. I wonder if is there any way to do a podcast on whether there are any efforts or developments by governments or private companies in developing super artificial intelligence, such as IBM’s Watson, for space exploration? In other words, are there any companies such as Space X, IBM, Lockheed, or others developing or planning to develop super artificial intelligent machines that have the ability to learn massive amounts of astronomical data, synthesis said data and provide suggestions on astronomical locations for possible life? Are there any plans to send any of these technologies into space in order to observe, learn and make decisions as they acquire new data while in space?

    • Thank you Eddie for the kind compliments. We appreciate the support.
      That’s an excellent idea for an interview subject. I’m going to talk with my producer Sabina and we’ll see if we can find a guest to address that topic. If you have anyone in mind please let us know!
      – JT

    • Hi Eric,

      I am very sorry to hear that. No one on our team flagged your post as spam, so I don’t understand how this happened. I am not able to find the post. Is it possible there was some error in the posting process?


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